Een goed begin met een citaat van Robert M. Nideffer, een top sport psycholoog:
'Concentration is a critical determinant of performance, and there is no place where errors due to an inappropriate focus of concentration become more immediately apparent than in sport.'
Dat concentratie belangrijk is in alle sporten, is een evidentie. Toch even kijken en luisteren naar Nick Faldo, topgolfer, die een schitterende les geeft in concentratie. A must.
Geraadpleegd 24 september 2012
De kwaliteit van de waarneming bepaalt de kwaliteit van de handeling. Een artikel over oogbewegingen bij de start van een zeilwedstrijd.
Manzanares Serrano, A., Menayo Antúnez, R., Segado Segado, F. Universidad Católica de San Antonio Murcia.
17th annual ECSS Congress Bruges/BEL, July 4-7 2012
In a boat race, sailors are constantly receiving information about the environment thanks to the senses. The most determining sense in a sailor and other sports is his sight (Reina, Moreno & Sanz, 2007), since thanks to it, stimuli present in sailing environment are received, determining his response. The approach we have used aims to describing the visual conduct of an expert racer for the minute before the start signal.
Geraadpleegd 24 september 2012.
Misschien is een goede visuele waarneming wel een discriminerende factor bij zeilen?
Voor een goede concentratie moet je 'be in the present moment', in het hier en nu, 'mindfulness': leven met aandacht (niet op automatische piloot) voor hier en nu, niet met het verleden (wat we hadden moeten doen) of de toekomst (wat we nog allemaal zouden moeten doen) en begint met het aanvaarden van de situatie hier en nu. Men noemt dat 'loslaten. Een doctorale scriptie over mindfulness en atleten.
Mindfulness and Sport Participation in College Students (2008)
A Senior Honors Thesis
Presented in Fulfillment of the Requirements for Graduation with Distinction in the College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University
By Sarah Belna
The Ohio State University April 2008
Project Advisor: Dr. Janet Buckworth, Health & Exercise Science
Mindfulness is the increased ability to be aware and attentive to what is happening in the moment. The concept of mindfulness embodies being conscious of the present and not being in an automatic mode. Mindfulness training could have a positive impact on athletic performance, injury prevention, and recovery time in athletes, but differences among mindfulness levels in athletes is currently not well understood. The purpose of this study was to examine levels of mindfulness among athletes versus non athletes as well as examine whether differences in mindfulness exist between individual sport athletes and team sport athletes. Undergraduate student volunteers (n= 398) completed questionnaires to assess mindfulness and sport participation. Data analysis was conducted to determine whether differences in mindfulness exist between athletes and non-athletes and between individual versus team sport athletes. No significant differences in mindfulness were found based on athletic status. A significant difference was found based on gender, however; males in the sample reported higher levels of mindfulness than females. Further research should focus on self identified athlete status compared to researcher identified athlete status. Researchers should continue and look at these paradigms of mindfulness and athlete status to understand the potential for mindfulness-based interventions to enhance recovery and performance among athletes.
Geraadpleegd 24 september 2012;
Over 'control & confidence', zowel van lichaam als geest, en over 'the zone', wat ook de 'the flow' wordt genoemd:
Calming The Mind So The Body Can Perform
Robert M. Nideffer, Ph.D.
There's two seconds left in the championship game, your team is behind by one point and you are at the free throw line shooting two shots. You're keenly aware of the situation and you, like everyone else in the sold out arena, know how important these two shots are. You can feel your heart pounding and your legs are a little weak as you bounce the ball and prepare for your first shot.
Al heeft het niets te maken met zeilen toch zeker het lezen waard.
Geraadpleegd 24 september 2012.
Over 'commitment' of betrokkenheid gesproken:
The Sport Commitment Model
Scanlan, Carpenter, Schmidt, Simons & Keeler (1993a)
School of Exercise Science (NSW)
Advanced Psychology - HMSC335
An Introduction
The Sports Commitment Model was designed to examine the reasoning for individuals to continue their participation within certain sports. This model breaks down commitment in sport to five key factors. These factors include level of enjoyment, involvement alternative, personal investment, social constraints and involvement opportunities; all of which exhibit an effect on the individuals commitment to a specific activity.
Geraadpleegd 24 september 2012.