Zeilers worden voortdurend blootgesteld aanwind en (koud, zout) water en dragen om zich te beschermen, wetsuits, droogpakken, schoentjes (boots), handschoenen en mutsen. In die pakken wordt wat afgezweet (dehydratatie), de irritatie (rash), aan nek en polsen is niet denkbeeldig. De ‘botjes' zijn niet bepaald ademend en de voeten zijn constant vochtig.
Een zeilwedstrijd duurt makkelijk 5 à 6 uur, op het water.
Reken daarbij dat zeilen een life-time sport is, dat zeilers dikwijls ook andere watersporten ‘plegen' die ook een dry of wetsuit vereisen (kite, windsurf, golfsurfen, triatlon, open water zwemmen...). Een goede, liefst preventieve, huidverzorging is duidelijk essentieel.
Op internet zijn er artikels te vinden over zeil-kwetsuren. Specifiek over catamaran gaan ze niet, maar ze geven wel een indicatie van de mogelijke aard van de kwetsuren, hoe ze eventueel te vermijden.
Beginnen met een uitvoerig en goed leesbaar literatuur overzicht.
J B Allen and M R De Jong
Br J Sports Med. 2006 July; 40(7): 587-593.
Published online 2006 March 17.
Sailing medicine has been mainly addressed by healthcare professionals who happen to sail. Although there has been an increase in the number of studies of various aspects of sailing over the last 15 years, efforts to advance evidence based knowledge of sailing and sports medicine face unique obstacles. Recent interest in research by groups such as Olympic and America's Cup teams has produced beneficial changes.
Geraadpleegd 19 september 2012
Met de combinatie zon-wind wordt al te dikwijls weinig rekening gehouden, en nochthans:
Dr. Steve Horwitz
'One of the first skin cancer screenings that I did at a regatta was during the 2001/02 Miami stopover for the Volvo Ocean Race,' said Dr. Steve Horwitz.
Steve is sailing's skin doctor. He has been practicing dermatology in Miami for over three decades and has been sailing on Biscayne Bay for longer.
'What surprised me was that only one of the crop of Volvo sailors that I screened had a precancerous growth on his lip,' reflected Dr. Horwitz. 'As it turns out, most of them were Australian or Kiwis. There is such a high incidence of skin cancer down under that there is a huge amount of public information and awareness. Everyone wears rashers, protective clothing and sunscreen.'
(...) The basics - There is a direct correlation between the incidence of sunburn during childhood and the development of melanoma. (A reminder, cataracts are also the result of sunlight exposure). A majority of one's total lifetime exposure to the sun comes during the first 18 years of life. All of you, who are in my age group and have kids in junior programs, take note for your kids and for yourselves. (...)
This excellent article provided courtesy of www.worldregattas.com
Geraadpleegd op 19 september 2012.
With the America's Cup destination decided, a study identifying sailing injuries is timely;
Just as the site for the 2013 America's Cup has been announced, a study from Rhode Island Hospital highlights that the sport isn't always smooth sailing. The study was published recently in the journal Wilderness and Environmental Medicine.
(...)Also of concern in the results of the survey is that 16 percent of the sailors reported having suffered sunburn while sailing in the year prior. Nathanson says, "Sunscreen utilization was low, particularly in sailors less than 30 years old. Focused educational interventions should be developed aimed at sailors, particularly those in the younger age group, in order to reduce the risk of skin cancer. Participants in water sports have been shown to be at increased risk of skin cancer because of their prolonged exposure to solar radiation."(...)
Geraadpleegd 19 september 2012.
In het vooruitzicht of Rio....
RUSCHEL, Caroline et al.
Rev Bras Med Esporte [online]. 2009, vol.15, n.4, pp. 268-271. ISSN 1517-8692. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1517-86922009000500007.
The first step to reduce the incidence of injuries in athletes is to assess the characteristics of occurrence, providing background for the structure and application of prevention programs. This study had the aim to investigate the incidence of injuries in sailing athletes of different technical levels.
The sample was composed of 172 sailors, divided in three groups: 89 beginners, participants in the Optimist qualifying of the World Championship (group 1); 29 juvenile sailors, participants in the Youth Sailing Cup (group 2) and 54 national elite sailors, participants in the Pre-Olympic Sailing Week (group 3). The data collection instrument was a mixed questionnaire and the data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Five athletes from group 1 (5.6%); five athletes from group 2 (17.2%) and 15 athletes from group 3 (27.8%) reported some kind of injury related with the modality.
Higher incidence of injury was observed in the back and knee and the most reported diagnostic was muscular injury, followed by cuts, sprains and tendinitis. The incidence in sailing is low if compared with other sport modalities, despite the high physical demand required during the actions on the boat. It was verified that the professional athletes, who had higher age mean and time of practice, suffered the most injuries. On the other hand, the lowest incidence was among children and adolescents.
Therefore, it is important that prevention programs start from the first years of practice in order to reduce the risk to future outbreaks, especially of chronic nature. Based on this information concerning kinds of injury, we suggest inclusion of exercises specific to musculature conditioning and compensation in the training programs, as well as stretching and relaxation sessions.
Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte
Print version ISSN 1517-8692
Geraadpleegd 19 september 2012.